Tel Aviv Night Run

I’m an avid runner and Tel Aviv is full of people who share my love.  The beach path is always full of runners who take in the view of the Mediterranean while getting in their miles.  Runners are not only seen during the day, but the same path is also flooded with runners after dark.  It’s almost a requirement for requirement for outdoor running in the Summer months in the Summer months with the extreme temperatures during the day. So, with a city full of runners, its not surprising that Tel Aviv hosts a popular 10k each year called the Night Run.

 We called it the Tel Aviv version of the Bolder Boulder, a similar race hosted by our home city in Boulder, Colorado.  , a similar race hosted by our home city.  The Bolder Boulder is one of the largest 10k’s in America attracting about 50-thousand runners each Memorial Day.  The Tel Aviv NIGHT Run closed city streets so about 25-thousand people could run this 10k!   

Traffic is already a problem in the city, so we knew it would be even worse with the streets closed for the race.  We We decided to rent scooters to head to the start line at line atthe large city park.  We didn’t know what to expect, so we arrived fairly early.   It was set up like a typical race in the states with many vendors selling running related gear.  We bought new arm bands to hold our phones while we ran.  We also noticed a a big stand dedicated to serving coffee.  No coffee machines, just people with coffee grounds and water making the type of Turkish coffee we commonly see ly see here.  Makes sense for a NIGHT race.  😄


There was also a we grabbed s, huge DJ stand set up in the middle of the park and the DJ was playing was playing popular dance tunes to get everyone energized.  Two women went up on stage to lead stretching exercises for the crowd.

We were in one of the first waves that took off about 8:30 pm.  Runners were still leaving an hour later! 

During the run, thousands of people  lined the streets and cheered from outdoor cafes as we ran by.  There were also DJ booths set up in the middle of the road blasting music at various spots throughout the city.  It was very strange to see the familiar streets that are normally packed with cars, bikes, scooters and people – completely empty except for runners.  Many areas were hard to recognize without the usual crowds.


The race started and ended at the large city park.  The park filled up quickly as runners crossed the finish line and were greeted with music, entertainment, food booths and beer!

I’m not sure what time it all came to an end because it seemed like the party was just getting started when we left.  It was a fun time and unique experience to race at NIGHT – but we were TIRED.

Does this ring a bell? Have something to share?