One of the best things about living in Tel aviv is the huge art scene.
You are surrounded by so many different types of art displayed around the city. Everything from the graffiti
to ceremics,
textile and mixed medium to name a few.
I’ve enjoyed touring the city and keeping my eye on certain artists works (especially the ones I cant afford) and collecting a few things for our new home. I was able to buy a beautiful piece made out of wood that i had been eyeing for months that went on sale when the artist completed a new collection.
I also friended another artist that does ceremics at a place near mikas cooking class in Neve TZ.
The artist is Israeli American and I stopped by to admire her work and chat with her in the hour I have to kill in the neighborhood during Mika’s class.
While I LOVED the beautiful vases, She didn’t have any in colors i thought would compliment my home. I showed her some photos of our apartment and she told me to come back in a few weeks and she would have more for me to see. No pressure, but she said I inspired her to create some different color pieces. So, as she suggested, I visited the shop a few weeks later to look at her new collection. It was beautiful and exactly what I wanted for our new home. My new vase looks amazing in the space.
A friend recently told me about another unique art experience. An old building about to be demolished was turned over to local artists to design their own rooms.
I did not get a chance to see the exhibit before it ended, but I heard it was amazing and people lined up for blocks just to get a peek before the building came down.